Crypto arbitrage

Crypto Arbitrage Software For Professional Traders.

We delivered ReactJS JavaScript Single Page Application that is checking various cryptocurrencies’ spread between different cryptocurrency exchanges, which is called an arbitrage.

The idea of the application was to built tool for monitor (mentioned before) arbitrage in real time. Moreover, it needed to have additional feature - saving records of highest daily differences.


Cryptocurrency Arbitrage

Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Monitor in numbers

  • Integrated Exchanges
  • Watched cryptocurrency pairs
  • API Requests per second
  • Arbitrage opportunities detected

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Our team was made up of two React Developers - Tomasz and Patryk. They developed Front-End structure of the application using React.

Apps in React are created of reusable components. The biggest advantage of this framework is the huge community. Developers provide their own open source solutions, that other devs can use in their projects.

For optional static type-checking along with the latest ECMAScript features, we used TypeScript. Thanks to this tool, creating applications is much quicker and easier. Another very helpful tool was Axios. It is a Promise-based HTTP client for JavaScript. It helped us with managing requests.Thanks to WebSocket API technology, we could create a table of exchange rates with real time data.

On the server side, we used NodeJS with MongoDB. Furthermore, we used Mongoose, that is Object Data Modeling library which is designed to work in an asynchronous environment. During works on server side, we were using Buddy.Works - easy to manage CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) product, for constantly testing and deploying every change that we made.


The project took us 6 weeks.



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